During the filming of the upcoming ‘Barbie’ movie, a significant amount of pink paint was required – so much so that a specific shade completely ran out at the manufacturer.

The upcoming Barbie movie is pink – very pink.

Barbie movie

During filming, enormous quantities of a particular shockingly pink shade were needed for the film’s set design – so much that it completely sold out at the manufacturer.

The company ran out of pink paint

This had consequences on a global level – quite literally, the company Rosco depleted all its stocks of that specific color shade.

Rosco is accustomed to supplying paint for Hollywood film productions, but this time something unusual happened.

‘They used up all the paint we had,’ says Lauren Proud, Deputy Chief of Global Marketing at Rosco, to the Los Angeles Times.

The world ran out of pink

The enormous amounts of paint required have also been confirmed by the production designer of the ‘Barbie’ movie, Sarah Greenwood.

‘The world ran out of pink,’ she says in an interview with Architectural Digest.

Several events influenced it

Rosco had previously been affected by delayed and missing deliveries due to the pandemic.

Additionally, certain color ingredients were damaged during a cold snap in Texas.

When the massive order came in from the ‘Barbie’ team, Rosco simply had a smaller inventory than usual.

‘We already had a shortage, and then we gave them everything we had,’ says Lauren Proud.”